1000001Labs @ Deconstruction of the Maker Manifesto

On January 30th 2016, Elena Jurado from 1000001Labs participated in a full-day session to critically analyse the Maker Movement Manifesto, together with important actors of the maker ecosystem from Barcelona and Madrid. The main idea of the meeting was to provide a deep criticism of the nowadays validity of the Maker Manifesto. In short, the […]

Abrir la puerta a la ciencia ciudadana en centros educativos

Una propuesta para “decidim.barcelona“.   Esta propuesta quiere ser una puerta de entrada a la ciencia ciudadana en centros educativos, y permitiría a los estudiantes participar en el proceso de investigación científica. Esta propuesta incluiría una plataforma tecnológica con la que los estudiantes pueden compartir datos (recogidos, por ejemplo, en forma de fotos en su […]

1000001 Labs @ the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting

In recent years marine observation based on volunteer participation, an example of citizen science, has provided environmental data with unprecedented resolution and coverage. The citizen-science–based approach has the additional advantages of engaging people, raising awareness and increasing knowledge of marine environmental problems. The technological advances in embedded systems and sensors enable citizens to create their […]